We offer 100% financing on your Shipping Container purchase!
Finance directly with us, and remove the stress on your existing bank and credit cards.
Deferred payment plan for your shipping container purchases.
There could be tax advantages to LEASING your shipping container with us.
Fixed monthly payments make your container purchase a predictable expense you can afford.
We offer short-term loans for your emergency needs.
Shipping Container Financing Made Easy
Ironclad Containers is pleased to offer a range of financing options, along with our excellent variety and huge inventory of durable, new and used Shipping Container.
We carry all the most popular sizes, capacities and configurations - and we can help with your shipping container financing needs.
We understand how business works. We know how cash flow issues can be a problem.
hat’s why we are proud to offer easy financing options, so that you get the shipping container you need, when you need it.
Our financing of your container includes shipping, warranty and installation.
Lease to own options are also available. It’s shipping container financing - made easy

Our Shipping Container Financing Features & Benefits
We make the purchase of your shipping container as simple as possible.
Take advantage of our exclusive 100% financing option, to get your container ordered, shipped, and installed quickly and easily.
Our financing covers it all - shipping/transportation, as well as installation at your site.
It's a worry-free way for you to get your shipping container without the strain on your existing financing resources.
Even if you want modifications to or customization of your shipping container, we can make it happen.
A small down payment is all you need to get your custom shipping container order on its way, with similar easy financing.
Easy payment financing is a feature we offer exclusively to our valued Ironclad Container customers.
Take the Strain Off Your Bank Line of Credit & Credit Cards
You can finance your shipping container purchase directly through us. Ironclad Containers is proud to be able to handle the transaction with direct financing. Leave your credit cards and line of credit aside. We’ll provide you competitive terms and an easy payment schedule, to get your shipping container shipped and installed as quickly as possible. Let us work with your budget - our customers’ satisfaction is job one, and that includes our financing options, designed to get you the shipping container you need, when you need it.
Deferred Payments and Other Incentives
Ironclad Containers is dedicated to serving your shipping container needs. We are happy to provide deferred payment plans that make your life simple, ease your cash flow issues, and get your shipping container order shipped and delivered in a timely fashion. Deferred payments up to three months are available on your shipping container order from Ironclad. Minimize your financial strain and get organized with the delivery and installation of your container. We try hard to make your purchase an easy one.
We Also Offer Short-term Loans
Among the services we provide is the availability of short-term loans. We understand the financial strains businesses face. We work with customers with you all the time, and we are pleased to be able to offer short-term loans, should you need an influx of fast cash for your operation. It’s our way of showing commitment to our valued customers. In addition to supplying all your shipping container needs, you can also turn to Ironclad Containers for your short-term loan needs, when you’re in a pinch.
Tax Advantages of Lease Agreements
Consider a lease agreement for your next shipping container. Our lease program is designed to get the shipping containers you need promptly and easily, while reducing strain on your capital expenditures. The lease option from Ironclad Containers also provides a potential tax advantage for your business. Lease payments on your shipping containers can be reported as operating expenses on your tax return, resulting in potentially lower taxes. Check with your accountant; we would be pleased to lease your next shipping container.
Affordable Fixed Monthly Payments for Your Shipping Container Purchase or Lease
Obtain your next shipping container with a payment schedule you can afford. We offer a financing program which can be extended to five years - your monthly payments become affordable and predictable for your Shipping Container rental or purchase. It's a guaranteed purchase option you can count on, as you make future plans for your business operations and storage requirements. Minimize your monthly expense with this convenient extended payment schedule option. If you need help with shipping container for sale in Ontario, please give us a call.
Shipping Container Buy-Back Option
We’re very proud of our shipping container buy-back program. Many customers have taken advantage of this innovation option for their used containers. If you have a shipping container you no longer need, chances are we will pay you for it. Cash-back value of returned shipping containers include:
- Condition of the unit
- The shipping container’s year of manufacture
- Location of the container
Certain conditions apply. Talk to an Ironclad Containers representative, and learn more about our shipping container buy-back program.

New Shipping Container 20′ x 8′ x 8’6″
Exterior: 8′-0″ Wide x 20′-0″ Long x 8′-6″ High
Interior: 7′-8″ Wide x 19′-4″ Long x 7′-10″ High
Capacity: 1300 Cubic Feet
Enough to fit: 3 bedroom home with no appliances

New Shipping Container 40′ x 8′ x 8’6″
Exterior: 8′-0″ Wide x 40′-0″ Long x 8′-6″ High
Interior: 7′-8″ Wide x 39′-5″ Long x 7′-10″ High
Capacity: 2360 Cubic Feet
Enough to fit: A Large home with all appliances

New Shipping Container 40′ x 8′ x 9’6″
Exterior: 8′-0″ Wide x 40′-0″ Long x 9′-6″ High
Interior: 7′-8″ Wide x 39′-5″ Long x 8′-10″ High
Capacity: 2660 Cubic Feet
Enough to fit: A Large home with all appliances plus a larger overhead for higher clearance items and equipment

Used Shipping Container 20′ x 8′ x 8’6″
Exterior: 8′-0″ Wide x 40′-0″ Long x 9′-6″ High
Interior: 7′-8″ Wide x 39′-5″ Long x 8′-10″ High
Capacity: 2660 Cubic Feet
Enough to fit: A Large home with all appliances plus a larger overhead for higher clearance items and equipment

Used Shipping Container 40′ x 8′ x 8’6
Exterior: 8′-0″ Wide x 40′-0″ Long x 9′-6″ High
Interior: 7′-8″ Wide x 39′-5″ Long x 8′-10″ High
Capacity: 2660 Cubic Feet
Enough to fit: A Large home with all appliances plus a larger overhead for higher clearance items and equipment

Used Shipping Container 40′ x 8′ x 9’6
Exterior: 8′-0″ Wide x 40′-0″ Long x 9′-6″ High
Interior: 7′-8″ Wide x 39′-5″ Long x 8′-10″ High
Capacity: 2660 Cubic Feet
Enough to fit: A Large home with all appliances plus a larger overhead for higher clearance items and equipment